Last Saturday I participated in the One Million Bones project. The intention of this piece is to raise awareness of the mass atrocities occuring in the Sudan, Congo & Burma. Each bone has been made by artists, students and social activists out of clay or other materials. This particular installation only had 50,000 bones. The end goal of this project is to collect a million and install them in Washington, D.C. in 2013. There were about 140 people participating in the laying down of the bones as well as the collecting of them after the piece was finished. The mind behind the project is Naomi Natale. It was her wish that as each person placed bones down they thought about them as if they were real bones. What this resulted in was a feeling of tremendous emotional weight around this project that packed a wallop. It was a honor to be a part of this first step in a huge project. More bones will be made towards the future goal and people are always needed to participate. One Million Bones is on Facebook and you can probably find a bone making event where you are or start your own.
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